Frugal Wellness Tips
Check out my tips in the article Frugal Wellness. It’s in the January 2021 issue of Natural Awakenings!

Frugal Wellness in Natural Awakenings

Frugal Wellness in Natural Awakenings
Jason’s Tips For Fugal Wellness

The foods in your kitchen can help you heal.
Hot Water Tonic
There are many products one can buy to achieve increased and optimal health. But you may already have many valuable “supplements” in your kitchen. Here are just a few examples of how to use the foods and spices you already have.
I bet many of these spices are already in your pantry. You can start the morning with a hot tonic. Get ready for a boost of energy. Hot tonics are also know to help clean out your system. This tonic is hot water, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and a pinch of sea salt. This tonic can provide minerals, nutrients and increase cardiovascular performance. Plus it’s a relaxing way to start the morning.
Here’s The Recipe
• One cup hot water
• One to two teaspoons apple cider vinegar
• 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
• 1 teaspoon maple syrup
• A pinch of sea salt.

Feel free to play with the ingredient you have on hand.
This recipe for a hot water tonic has been used for centuries. It’s a natural remedy and known to help heal digestive problems, stimulate blood flow and increase one’s overall health. Feel free to play with the recipe and use ingredients that you have on hand and flavors that you prefer.

I LOVE garlic. I grow several types in my garden.
Need help clearing up an infection? Garlic is my go to! I love cooking with extra garlic and onions. Garlic has antibiotic, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties plus it tastes delicious. Don’t forget that onions are from the same family as garlic. Onions are know for their antimicrobial benefits. One of my favorites is the garlic sauce that comes with many Mediterranean-style dishes.

Are you ready for Hot Cold Therapy?
This frugal wellness technique is not for the faint of heart. Hot Cold Therapy is an inexpensive but chilly way to help stimulate the immune system. All you have to do is alternating hot and cold showers. The hot opens the blood vessels and the cold constricts them allowing the lymphatic system to pump the lymphatic fluid throughout the body. If you want to add another free benefit to the Hot Cold Therapy, combine it with deep breathing. Square Breathing is a technique that will help move stagnant air out of the lungs and remove more toxins.
Research shows that this “biohacking” technique can help optimize the immune system, neurologic system and your genes. Did you know that this technique is used by top athletes and military specialists? This means that we can stimulate our innate immune system (the one you had as a little kid) and even help reverse the aging process. And it’s free!
Jason Eagle is a Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) practitioner with Strategic Healing, LLC in Auburn Hills, MI. For more information call 734-985-5891 or visit his website:
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