Jason Eagle
“Don’t you want a strategic, individualized, holistic approach to your health? Jason Eagle, QRA, LMT, will help you create just that! With a strategy, you can accomplish anything!”
Jason’s HealingMatters, videos and podcasts on Natural Remedies, will teach you changes that get big results… posted weekly!
Jason Eagle, QRA, LMT has over 20 years of experience as a Quantum Reflex Analysis Referral Practitioner (QRA), Medical/Sports Massage Therapist, Kinesiology, Holistic Health, Functional Medicine, and Nutrition. Schedule your consultation now and take the first step towards your Strategic Healing Plan. More videos.
Experience the “Premier Quality Effect”®
Who is Jason Eagle
Jason Eagle, QRA, LMT is a soft tissue specialist and natural health authority since 1996. He has decades of experience in various settings including medical facilities and health clinics. Over the years, he has successfully treated clients for various physical troubles. Some of the most significant results occurred with shoulder, knee, and hip clients that were previously told surgery was the last option. All of these cases recovered without the need for such invasive treatments. Jason often says “You can’t take back a surgery.” Jason is also a certified Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) practitioner and educator.
He combines a wide knowledge base and wealth of varied healing modalities with powerful and unique ways of working with each client. He identifies the root of the issue and creates an individual treatment plan to enable healing and restoration.
Jason experienced firsthand, the healing and miraculous qualities of natural health, especially with QRA. He was suffering for years from debilitating gallbladder troubles. “I was a perfect candidate for having my gallbladder removed.” He tried for years to “take some of this, some of that…” with little results. Finally, he heeded the advice of Dr. Bob Marshal and saw a QRA practitioner. “Within two weeks, I could feel a tremendous difference. There is no comparison in the results when you give your body what it desperately needs. That is where QRA and natural healing therapies come into play.”
The History of Strategic Healing
Strategic Healing will help you:
Identify the root issues to dis-eases with Jason’s holistic approach to Natural Health incorporating Quantum Reflex Analysis, Emotional Repolarization Technique, I-Packs, Massage Therapy, Nutritional Support and, Premier Research Labs food-based supplements.
But he will also require your active participation in three major lifestyle areas: exercise, you are what you eat/drink/assimilate, prayer/mediation/grounding.
The Answers You Have Been Looking For
Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) Consultation: Jason will use QRA, a kinesiological method of testing the body’s organs and systems in order to find their optimal health. QRA will reveal short-circuits in the nervous system caused by scaring or trauma such as any surgeries you’ve had, broken bones or even needle punctures such as vaccination sites. QRA uses medically accepted acupuncture reflex points to tap into the nervous system to literally “ask the body” what it needs to achieve radiant and optimal health.
Emotional Repolarization Technique (ERT) Consultation: One of the other, and by far the most debilitating obstacles to optimal health is unconscious and hidden emotional trauma. QRA has the ability to address and change the vibrational patterns of these emotional short-circuits through the remarkable Emotional Repolarization Technique (ERT).
I-Packs (Mud Packs): As developed by Dr. Marshall, QRA, I-Packs/ Mud Packs helps to identify and eliminate active Interference Fields, and to find their reflex patterns related to the patient’s chief health concerns.
Home Vastu Remediation: Jason can also addresses the ever increasing and completely hidden health stressors of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s) in our environment. QRA identifies these environmental short-circuits in our homes and workplace. Through Vastu energetics (the Aryvedic science of building energetics, similar to Fung Shui).
Soft Tissue Body Work (Sports and Medical Massage Therapy): Don’t come to Jason for a relaxing fluff massage. He incorporates many massage therapy techniques to help break down scar tissue allowing injuries to completely repair.